If you want to have your teeth straightened without everyone knowing that you are wearing braces then your orthodontist in Winchester may well suggest having Invisalign nearly invisible aligners. Unlike any other braces, Invisalign can give you the assurance of going through straightening treatment without telling the whole world what you are up to.
Heavy metal ‘train-track’ braces are so hard not to stare at, particularly when they are on an adult. Some people just can’t resist asking lots of personal questions, and braces only seem to encourage them. But at Winchester Orthodontics, your orthodontist in Winchester will do their very best to help you keep your dental business your own.

Invisalign, which many people misspell as Invisaline, is somewhat different to the more well-known brackets and wire braces system that most of us associate with teeth-straightening. It uses transparent thermoplastic resin trays, which look rather like mouth guards, that fit over the teeth.
The trays are made from pinpoint accurate measurements taken by your orthodontist in Winchester. From this we can create a 3D image of your teeth as they are now and how they need to move to reach alignment. We send them all the information to the Invisalign laboratory in the United States, where they make a series of aligners. Each tray represents one step along the way from the current position of your teeth to the position they need to reach alignment. Pressure from the plastic gently nudges them along the way.
You need to wear each tray for about two weeks before moving on to the next one.
These clear aligners have other advantages as well as being almost unnoticeable, and these come with the fact that they are removable. This means that they are easy to clean, and so are your teeth. Also, you can take them out if you really, really don’t want anyone to see you are wearing aligners, perhaps for a super-special event like a wedding or a hot date, a job interview, or a highly important business meeting.
You must, however, wear them for about 22 hours a day if you are to stick to the treatment schedule.