Lingual Braces
Practically invisible braces that are fixed behind your teeth
Lingual braces are attached to the back side of the teeth, which makes them completely non-visible. This advanced method makes lingual orthodontics particularly well-suited for adults, who often want to improve the look and function of their teeth without letting anyone else know about their treatment.
With standard braces, the brackets are cemented to the front of the teeth, which are quite uniform in their shape. However, lingual brackets are attached to the back side of the teeth. The back side of each tooth has its own unique shape – unlike the front of each tooth, which is fairly uniform among all people.
Standard brackets are mass-produced, but each lingual bracket must be custom-formed to the unique shape of each individual tooth.
Your back teeth will not meet at first because your front teeth will be hitting the brackets on the back of the upper front teeth. This may seem hard to deal with but it will speed up your treatment noticeably, and it will prevent you from clenching, which can remove brackets and make it more difficult to move your teeth to new positions.