Dr Suzette Mulder
Dr Suzette Mulder
Practice Owner and Specialist Orthodontist
BChd, Dip Odont, MSc, MDent-ortho, MOrth (RCSEd)
Dr Suzette is an immensely skilled Orthodontist, having completed over 5,000 successful orthodontic cases over the past 10 years. In addition to her wealth of exceptional clinical knowledge and expertise, she adds that special feminine touch. Her excellence in dentistry is evidenced by her being awarded the most eminent MSc (2005) from the University of Pretoria.
In 1997 Dr Suzette qualified as a dentist (BChD) from the University of Pretoria, afterwards she continued her studies at the University of Pretoria and completed a postgraduate diploma in orthodontics and MSc (with distinction, where she received the award for most eminent postgraduate student). In 2006 she received a Masters in Orthodontics (at Medunsa – Medical University of South Africa). She then obtained her MOrth from the Royal College of Edinburgh in 2008.
Dr Suzette is on the GDC Specialist Register as an Orthodontist, is a Fellow of the World Federation of Orthodontics and a member of the British Orthodontic Society.